Senators propose level EPA funding for 2021, no WIFIA cuts
The U.S. EPA’s water infrastructure financing programs would be in line for approximately level funding next year under a plan for FY21 appropriations released by Senate Republicans last week. The funding proposal is detailed in the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies’ (AMWA) Nov. 16 Monday Morning Briefing.
The Republicans’ proposal would provide EPA with just under $9.1 billion next year, roughly in line with the agency’s FY20 appropriation. Within that sum, $1.126 billion would be set aside for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) and $1.639 billion would go to the Clean Water SRF – each equal to current funding. The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program would also stay flat at $60 million, while a program to reduce lead in drinking water would get a slight bump to $21.5 million. The Drinking Water System Resilience and Sustainability Program, which AMWA helped create and is working to expand, would receive $4 million, a $1 million increase above its current funding.
Read more about EPA Funding here: https://waterfm.com/senators-propose-level-epa-funding-for-2021-no-wifia...